Monday, April 28, 2008

The Other Boleyn Girl

Finally I managed to see this movie. I loved it! I'm a sucker for a period flick anyway but set in one of my favourite times in history it was always going to be a winner for me. The costumes were sumptuous. Here's the official website.

It makes me long for a costume of my own. Perhaps a pattern from Margot Anderson's "Historic Costume Patterns or Lynn McMaster's hat patterns.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fantastic Toys

I have to share the most gorgeous paper toys ever. Fantastic Toys by Timothy Haugen link here These are so delightful. I purchased the Mushroom Cottage Paper Playset

and I'm going to base Zoe's second birthday party around them. I just couldn't resist!

And so to Blog...

Ok, I think I have worked out how to use this whole blog thing. I've been reading a few and I've worked out which types of blogs work for me. Keep it short, a couple of good photos and keep it interesting.

So I'm still not there yet. I have made the page a little more interesting with links to different things I like... heaps more to go but it's 11.00pm and I need some sleep!
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